Youth Recreational Hockey
Fall/Winter Season...September - March
Posted prices are cash/check discount prices. All other forms of payment will be assessed a 3% surcharge
General Information
Welcome to Newbridge Nor'Easters Hockey!
Upon registration, your child will be entering a recreational hockey league
where winning is secondary to hockey skill education and development.
All participants will be placed on a team which will play or practice weekly on weekends through-out the
Fall and Winter seasons of 2024 and 2025. Players are permitted to participate in all league events on their assigned team only.
All players will receive an unique, personalized jersey with their name and a number of their choice.

Looking to register? Note the information below!
Registration Info and Status
Fall/Winter Season
Divisions and Payment Information
Mite Developmental Division
Ages 4 -to- 9
22 Weeks of practices and games rotated in the schedule.
This division focuses solely on the fundamentals of ice hockey under the direction of
Hank Levin. The goal is to prepare the novice player with the skills required
to play on any travel or recreational ice hockey team.
Note, players must already have basic skating abilities to join the program.
Payment Information - Mite Developmental Division
Non Refundable Registration fee
Posted prices are cash/check discount prices. All other forms of payment will be assessed a 3% surcharge
Squirt Division
Ages 7 -to- 9
10 Games, 9 Practices, and 1 Practice Game*
This division is the next step from learning how to to shoot and stick handle. Now players will begin playing games to teach the real technicalities of the game including positioning and the rules of the game.
Addition team tournament play will be offered. Information will be released soon.
There will be play-offs at the end of the season!
Payment Information - Squirt Division
Non Refundable Registration Fee:
$695.00 (cash/check)
Posted prices are cash/check discount prices. All other forms of payment will be assessed a 3% surcharge
Peewee Division
Ages 10 -to- 12
14 Games and 6 Practices*
New age group for 2022, to create better competition! This division's focus is on reinforcement of what was learned in the Squirt division but now at a faster pace. Players will focus more on playing the game through friendly competition with other teams in the league.
There will be play-offs at the end of the season!
Payment Information - Peewee Division
Non Refundable Registration Fee:
$740.00 (cash/Check)
Posted prices are cash/check discount prices. All other forms of payment will be assessed a 3% surcharge
Bantam Division
Ages 13 -to- 17
14 Games and 6 Practices*
New age group for 2022, to create better competition! This division's focus is on continued reinforcement of what was learned in the Peewee division but now at an even faster pace. Focus is turned more towards the competitive nature of the sport while still continuing to re-enforce the basics of how to play the game.
There will be play-offs at the end of the season!