Private Skating Lessons
General Information
If you're looking to take your first steps to learning how to skate or improve the skills you already have, why not try to taking private lessons with one of our professional instructors!
Private skating lessons for recreational, hockey, and freestyle skating are offered during most public sessions by members of the Newbridge Arena Skating School instructor staff.
Fees range between $30-$50 for a 30 minute lesson depending on the instructor.
The fee paid to the instructor does not include admission to the rink.
Lessons will be charged $5 admission at the admission booth.
Lessons are scheduled and paid for though your referred skating instructor.
Contact the skating school for a referral based on your needs!
Call or E-mail the skate school, (516) 783-6181 x15 or sk8school@newbridgearena.com
As a courtesy to all of our instructors, it is our policy to NOT offer substitute coaches for private lessons unless prior arrangements have been made with your regular instructor. Private lessons are very personal and the relationship skaters develop with their coaches is a large part of the success of these lessons. It is considered unprofessional for another coach to even suggest that they teach a lesson or offer guidance or suggestions without the knowledge and consent of the regualar coach. If you encounter this behavior, please report it to the skate school!